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Keep reading, no matter what

I am currently in the midst of a 6-month yoga immersion class. We meet for one intensive weekend once a month; in the meantime, we are responsible for building a home practice and journaling about it. I took this project on because I wanted to make yoga a more consistent part of my life – I wanted it to become something that I do no matter what.

It’s been working. Yoga is a bigger part of my life now than it has ever been. But maybe more interesting than that is how the process of this immersion is making me reflect on other parts of my life that are there “no matter what.”

One of those is reading. Be the world falling around me, I must read. And so I have been continuing through the 2017 Sirens Reading Challenge. I read three more books – Marika McCoola & Emily Carroll’s Baba Yaga’s Assistant, Anna-Marie McLemore’s When the Moon Was Ours, and Jewell Parker Rhodes’ Bayou Magic– and have completed the “Required Theme” section. I’m on to the “Guests of Honor” section now!

I will read, no matter what.